Custom Flags and Architectural Banners

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Special Notes for Designing a Custom Fabric Flag or Banner
*Not applicable to small dyed flags
Standard Headers
All flag prices include canvas headers and brass grommets unless otherwise noted. Standard Headers are on the hoist for flags and on the top for banners.
Flags 8' x 12' and larger have a roped Header at no additional charge.
Additional Charges/Features
- Canvas Header and Brass Grommets— Add $2.00 per linear foot for additional headers
- Roped Header— Canvas Header reinforced with heavy duty polypropylene rope. Finished with galvanized steel thimbles at each end. Add $3.00 per linear foot for additional headers.
- Pole Sleeve— Made out of the background material of the flag or banner to accommodate a pole or other hanging device up to 2" in width, closed at top. May replace standard Header at no charge. Add $3.00 per linear foot if added to existing flag.
- Pole Hem— Same as pole sleeve with the addition of leather tabs or velcro. Add $6.00 per linear foot.
- Canvas Sleeve— Sleeve made of heavy weight canvas to accommodate a pole or other hanging device up to 2" in width. Add $5.00 per linear foot.
- Covered Canvas Header— Concealed canvas within the background material. Add $4.50 per linear foot.
- Netting— Addition of a 6" section of mesh netting running top to bottom and sewn directly into the fly end. Add $6.00 per linear foot.
- Webbing and Grommets— Addition of grommets and webbing along perimeter of banner. Add $3.00 per foot (1" Webbing) and $4.75 per linear foot (2" Webbing).
- Velcro— Addition of hook and eye velcro for removable parts and replacement panels of copy. Add $4.00 per linear foot.
- Fringe and Pole Hem— for indoor usage, $38-$55 for flags between 2' x 3' to 5' x 8'
- Double Construction— Add 100% (Interlining is recommended on light colored fields and would be subject to additional charge).
- Double Emblems— Add 60% plus interlining if desired. Based on 50% - 75% coverage of field.
- Background Substitution— Substitution for nylon. Add per square foot Tough Tex: $1.85. Please note that there are color limitations of white, Old Glory Red and Old Glory Blue.
- Artwork Revision— All jobs must be supplied with camera ready art. Any order that does not include camera ready art will be subject to additional art charge up to $70.00 per hour.
Special Finishes
- Moon Holes— Semicircular holes reinforced with zig zag stitching to allow wind to pass through. Add $3.00 each.
- Pennants/Burgees— Are priced according to regular flag of the same length. Pennants are priced same as flag. Burgees Add 20%.
- Back Lining— Plain backing to match the field. Add $1.50 per square foot.
- Interlining— Reduces shadows on double seals and double construction. Add $2.00 per square foot..
Small Custom Printed Flags
Ideal for parades, desk sets, giveaways and a multitude of other uses. 4" x 6" flags are mounted on a 10" staff, 8" x 12" on an 18" staff and 12" x 18" on a 30" staff. 12" x 18" and 16" x 24" flags are also available with header and grommets or unlined pole sleeve for an additional cost.
Acid Dyed Digital Printed Custom Flags
Ink is directly printed onto 200 denier nylon. Material is rigid and durable enough for outdoor use, but lustrous enough for indoor display. Possibilities are endless with this product, and we can produce just one flag! Flags can be finished in a variety of options for your specific needs – single reverse, double constructed, seals and with canvas header with grommets, reinforced grommets or pole sleeve. Production time is approximately 2-3 weeks after approval of art layouts that will be emailed to you.
Also available: Print on 70 denier, lightweight poly flag material for additional charge. Call for pricing and availability for odd sizes, finishing options, double construction, etc.
Custom Sewn Flags & Banners
Construction Types
There are numerous forms of construction. The easiest method to determine the form that you want is based on how you want the flag(s) or banner(s) to appear. Some graphics or letters are symmetrical and will appear identical on the front and the back side. Sometimes you only want graphics on one side. Sometimes copy must read from both sides. The following information will describe the forms that are available for all applique work. Applique requires fabric being laid on top of fabric and then sewing and trimming a design or graphic. A sewn design may be a printed piece that is appliqued into the field or where pieces are sewn together to keep a one "layer" appearance.
Single Faced, No Back — fabric (design) is laid on top of the field and sewn. Only stitching will show on back side. Normally used for a banner against a wall.
Single Faced With Liner — fabric is laid on the top side while a full liner to match the field color is added to the back side for a more full body. Normally used for a banner against a wall or in an open area where the back side would not be visible.
Single/Reverse Construction — fabric is laid on the front and the back side of the field and then sewn. The design would appear on both sides of the main body (field). The front side would be read as positive while the back side would read as negative, or in reverse (mirror image). This is normally used with flags.
Double Seal — There are times when copy or part of a graphic needs to be positive on both sides of the field while the rest of the design does not. Part of the construction is single/reverse while the double seal is actually made twice and sewn back-to-back.
Double Construction — Consists of making the banner or flag two times and sewing it back-to-back. This allows all copy and graphics to read positive from both sides.